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Документ Choice of organization forms for construction of residential objects taking into account interests and abilities of different participants(ESI, 2015-03) Tytok, V. V.The great value has the choice of organizational forms for construction management at organization of construction production. Choice of any organizational form to perform particular project depends on number of factors: customer`s and investor`s wishes, contractor`s abilities, specific character of construction object.Документ Comparison of influence of surfactants on thermokinetic characteristics of alkali-activated slag cement(Private Company Technology Center, 2021-11-26) Krivenko Pavlo; Rudenko Igor; Konstantynovskyi OleksandrIncreasing the durability of concrete and reinforced concrete structures according to the criterion of crack resistance is a relevant task of construction materials science. To solve this task, this paper proposes effective solutions for adjusting thermofinite characteristics of alkali-activated slag cement (ASC) by using surfactants of various chemical nature in order to control the thermally-stressed state of concrete based on it (ASC concrete). The method of calorimetry was applied to show that the problematic issue is to adjust the structure formation of ASC by anion-active surface-active substances based on complex polyesters. This is predetermined by the instability of the molecular structure of surfactants in the hydration environment of ASC due to the destruction of complex ester bonds as a result of alkaline hydrolysis. Thermokinetic analysis has demonstrated the effectiveness of using anion-active surfactants, which do not contain ester bonds, as regulators of crack resistance of ASC concrete. Simple polyesters and multi-atom alcohols provide the ability to adjust the duration of the induction period while ensuring the required completeness of ASC hydration within a time frame. The effectiveness of cation-active surface-active substances has been shown, which are characterized by the stability of the molecular structure in the hydration environment of ASC and an increased level of adsorbing capacity. The decrease in the effectiveness of surface-active substances has been shown, in terms of the effect on the heat release of ASC, in the following series: alkaline salt of carboxylic acid>salt of the quaternary ammonium compound>simple polyester> polyalcohol>complex polyester. The reported results are important in view of the possibility of effective adjustment of ASC heat release by influencing the structure formation of surfactant with a certain molecular arrangement in order to predictably reduce crack formation in a thermally-stressed state and a corresponding increase in the durability of structures.Документ Corrosion Resistance of Polyester Powder Coatings Using Fillers of Various Chemical Nature(2020) Gots, Vladimir; Lastivka, Oles; Berdnyk, Oksana; Tomin, Oleksandr; Shilyuk, PetroIn the article the effect of fillers of various chemical nature on the corrosion resistance of polyester powder coatings i terms of flaking widths and corrosion expansion widths in accordance with DSTU ISO 4628-8: 2012 was reviewed. According to the results of studies, the effectiveness of the use of fillers to increase the corrosion resistance of the powder coating varies depending on the average particle size and crystalline form of the filler was found. As a rule, in order to receive a powder coating based decorative coating you should apply only one layer of paint, while liquid coatings require applying several layers; this increases the time of coating production. The powder coating can be easily utilized and recycled, thus the economic feasibility of production increasesДокумент Design of slag cement, activated by Na (K) salts of strong acids, for concrete reinforced with steel fittings(Private Company Technology Center, 2020-12-31) Kryvenko Pavlo; Rudenko Igor; Konstantynovskyi OleksandrThis paper proposes a technique to prevent the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete based on slag cement (SC) activated by Na(K) salts of strong acids (SSA) in the composition of by-pass cement kiln dust (BP). The technique implies using additional modifiers in the form of the Portland cement CEM I 42,5 R and the calcium-aluminate admixture (CAA) С3А∙6H2O. It is shown that adding the Portland cement contributes to enhancing the intensifying influence of BP on the SC hydration, accompanied by an increase in the strength of artificial stone. This effect is predetermined by the formation of hydrosilicates in hydration products with an increased crystallization degree in the form of CSH(I) and C2SH(A). Modifying SC with CAA ensures the intensive formation of low-soluble AFm phases in the composition of hydration products, aimed at reliable binding the SSA anions (Cl-, SO42-) that are aggressive to steel reinforcement. The study result has established the possibility to produce SC, activated by SSA, when using BP, the Portland cement, and CAA. Mathematical methods to plan the experiment were applied to produce an SC composition of "granulated blast furnace slag – BP – Portland cement – CAA", characterized by a strength class of 42.5 and a molar ratio of Cl-/OH- in a porous solution not exceeding 0.6. The resulting properties predetermine the feasibility of using SC in steel-reinforced concrete. The relevance of this work is due to the modern trends in the development of the construction industry. The introduction of cement that contains mineral additives, in particular granulated blast furnace slag, contributes to improving the environment by reducing СО2 emission. The use of such cement as a base of steel-reinforced concrete ensures the increase in their functionality and durability.Документ Effect of sodium phosphate and sodium nitrate on microstructure of alkali-activated slag cement pastes and properties of reinforced concrete under cyclic drying-wetting in sea water(AIP Publishing, 2023) Krivenko P.; Rudenko I.; Konstantynovskyi O.; Boiko O.; Vaičiukynienė D.The relevance of alkali activated slag cement (AASC) concretes for marine structures is due to their enhanced resistance to sea water. However, cyclic influence of sea water and drying under the action of atmospheric carbonic gas in actual operating conditions cause risks of both deterioration of concrete and corrosion of steel reinforcement. These risks increase in case of fresh concretes with high consistency. Application of salts of strong acids, i.e. sodium phosphate and sodium nitrate, in combination with complex multifunctional additive «portland cement - alumina cement - clinoptilolite» was proposed to protect plasticized AASC concrete from the influence of cyclic drying-wetting in sea water with combination of exposure classes XC4 and XS3. It was shown the advanced crystallization of AASC microstructure due to the mentioned salts as admixtures. Corrosion resistance potential of AASC concrete can be improved due to application of specified salts in combination with the mentioned complex additive as factor of aggressive ions (Cl-, SO42- and CO32-) binding. The modified in proposed way plasticized AASC concrete was characterized by the advanced performances, i.e. pore structure, structural density, strength, corrosion resistance, state of steel reinforcement after 90 cycles of wetting/drying in sea water.Документ Effect of technological factors on freeze-thaw resistance of alkali-activated slag cement concrete in NaCl solution(AIP Publishing, 2023) Krivenko, Pavel; Rudenko, Igor; Konstantynovskyi OleksandrThe application of alkali-activated slag cement concrete (hereinafter AASC concrete) is relevant for building constructions which are exploited in aggressive environments with exposed class XF4. It is due to increased freeze-thaw resistance of AASC concrete in water solutions of salts if compared with portland cement concrete. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of technological factors on porous structure and freeze-thaw resistance of plasticized AASC concrete in NaCl solution. It was shown that increasing of fresh concrete consistency from class S1 up to class S4 due to plasticization by complex admixture “polyorganohydrosiloxane - sodium lignosufonate - polyethylene glycol” as well as application of alkaline component in dry form, in contrast to liquid form, ensures negative changes in porous structure of AASC concrete. These changes cause decreasing of freeze-thaw resistance from mark F500 down to F200. It was revealed that hardening of plasticized AASC concrete under normal conditions (t = 20±2 °С, RH = 95±5%), compared with hardening in water or under steam curing (t = 85±5 °С), ensures more effective porous structure which causes maintained freeze-thaw resistance of F300 in contrast to F200 and F250 agreeable. Effective technological decisions for advanced freeze-thaw resistant of AASC concrete were determined.Документ Elements of technology for the surface gipsum composite and its properties, as a facing material(ОДАБА, 2022-03) Tarasevych, V. I.; Gasan, Yu. G.The paper considers the issues of obtaining a composite material based on gypsum, fly ash and sulfur with improved performance. Regularities of impregnation of a gypsum sol matrix with a sulfur melt are established, taking into account the capillary-porous structure of the gypsum sol stone and the physical and technical properties of sulfur. The conducted studies make it possible to determine the sulfur mass transfer coefficient ams and the maximum sulfur-containing Us in impregnated products, depending on the initial values of the sulfur melt temperature, water-solid ratio and fly ash content. This allows to determine quickly and effectively the duration of impregnation to a given sulfur content for a specific composition and size of gypsum products. Technological factors influencing the hardening coefficient, water resistance and chemical resistance of gypsum ash products impregnated in sulfur melt have been studied. An analysis of the results shows that the strength of samples impregnated with sulfur increases while the degree of filling of the pore space with it is increasing. So, with increase in the relative sulfur content (v = Us / Usmax) from 0.30 to 0.90, the compressive strength increases from 10.1 to 42 MPa. It has been established that water resistance of the impregnated samples significantly depends on the degree of impregnation and the amount of fly ash. The experiments carried out give reason to believe that the material based on gypsum, ash and sulfur refers to waterproof materials, since the softening coefficient is higher than 0.7. It has been established that gypsum and gypsum samples impregnated with sulfur melt have a chemical resistance coefficient of at least 0.7, which allows them to be classified as chemically resistant. The resulting sulfur-gypsum composite is distinguished by high strength, water and corrosion resistance to aggressive environments of livestock complexes, food and chemical industries, where it should be used in the form of special facing products. В роботі розглянуті питання отримання композиційного матеріалу на основі гіпсу, золи-виносу та сірки з підвищеними експлуатаційними характеристиками. Встановлено закономірності просочення гіпсозольної матриці розплавом сірки з урахуванням капілярнопористої структури гіпсозольного каменю та фізико-технічних властивостей сірки. Проведені дослідження дозволяють визначати коефіцієнт масопереносу сірки ams та максимального сірковмісту Us у просочених виробах, залежно від вихідних значень температури розплаву сірки, водотвердого відношення та вмісту золи-виносу. Це дозволяє ефективно та оперативно визначати тривалість просочення до заданого вмісту сірки для конкретного складу та розміру гіпсозольних виробів. Досліджено технологічні фактори, що впливають на коефіцієнт зміцнення, водостійкість та хімічну стійкість гіпсозольних виробів, просочених у розплаві сірки. Аналіз результатів показує, що міцність просочених сіркою зразків підвищується зі збільшенням рівня заповнення нею порового простору. Так, при збільшенні відносного вмісту сірки (v= Us/Usmax) з 0,30 до 0,90 межа міцності при стисканні підвищується з 10,1 до 42 МПа. Встановлено, що водостійкість просочених зразків істотно залежить від ступеня просочення та кількості золивинесення. Проведені експерименти дають підставу вважати, що матеріал на основі гіпсу, золи та сірки відноситься до водостійких матеріалів, оскільки коефіцієнт розм'якшення вище 0,7. Встановлено, що гіпсові та гіпсозольні зразки, просочені розплавом сірки, мають коефіцієнт хімічної стійкості не менше 0,7, це дозволяє віднести їх до хімічно стійких. Отриманий сіркогіпсовий композит відрізняється високою міцністю, водо- та корозійною стійкістю до агресивних середовищ тваринницьких комплексів, підприємств харчової та хімічної промисловості, де його слід використовувати у вигляді спеціальних облицювальних виробів. Ключові слова: сірка, гіпс, зола, водостійкість, хімічна стійкість, розплав сірки.Документ Feasibility of incorporating SO42--ions in zeolite-like matrices based on alkaline aluminosilicate binders(Elsevier BV, 2023-08) Krivenko, Pavlo; Rudenko, Igor; Konstantynovskyi, Oleksandr; Vaičiukynienė, DanutėFactors determining minimization of the influence of sulfate environments on concrete and risk of corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement have been analyzed. Coatings based on alkaline aluminosilicate binders were proposed to prevent transport of the sulfate ions into concrete. The formation of water resistant zeolite-like matrices on the alkaline aluminosilicate binder of the Na2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system at 20 ± 2 ◦C can be provided by the use of calcium-containing modifying additives. Optimized molar ratios between oxides of binder constituent were SiO2/Al2O3 = 4–5 and K2O/(Na2O + K2O) = 0.15–0.30. The results of the study show that the speed of incorporating sulfate ions in cement matrix of binder from the sulfate environment is dependent upon a cation and ranks as follows: (NH4)2SO4 > MgSO4 > Na2SO4 > CaSO4. Complete protection of concrete against the penetration of sulfates can be reached when the developed coating is applied in a thickness of 3 mm.Документ Features of quantitative measurements of the dynamic module of elasticity of binders in optimization of production technology serogypsum composite(ОДАБА, 2021-06) Tarasevych, V. I.; Gasan, Yu. G.; Dolgoshey, V. B.The paper considers the issues of studying the structure formation of binders during hardening to determine the optimal moments of mechanical action on gypsum concrete specimens, which makes it possible to optimize the technology of their impregnation with sulfur melt. The time dependence of the elastic modulus of a hardening, binder is its important physicochemical characteristic, since it is used to objectively identify the stages of structure formation, to simulate the processes occurring at each of the stages. It is noted that the method of acoustic resonance of bending vibrations, in the case of hardening binders, needs correction with respect to the measurement technique and interpretation of the results obtained. The kinetics of the resonance frequency of a sample consisting of a rigid cell and a dispersion poured into it is a function of the elastic properties of the cell, the dispersion itself, the contact zone of the dispersion with cell and therefore cannot be used for either qualitative or quantitative analysis of the kinetics of hardening. Taking into account the elasticity of cuvette is necessary to obtain reliable information. В роботі розглянуті питання дослідження структуроутворення в’яжучих в процесі тверднення для визначення оптимальних моментів механічної дії на гіпсобетонні зразки, що дозволяє оптимізувати технологію їх просочування розплавом сірки. Часова залежність модуля пружності твердіючого в’яжучого є його важливою фізико-хімічною характеристикою, оскільки вона використовується для об’єктивного виділення етапів структуроутворення, моделювання процесів, що протікають на кожному з етапів. Відмічається, що метод акустичного резонансу, у випадку твердіючих в’яжучих, потребує корекції відносно методики вимірювань та трактовки отриманих результатів. Кінетика резонансної частоти зразка, що складається з жорсткої кювети і залитої в неї дисперсії, є функцією пружних властивостей кювети, самої дисперсії, зони контакту дисперсії з кюветою і тому не може бути використана ні для якісного, ні для кількісного аналізу кінетики твердіння. Врахування пружності кювети є необхідним для отримання достовірної інформації.Документ Improving the energy efficiency of translucent structures with using of special purpose glasses(Харків: ХНУБА, 2020-05) Pushkarova, Katerina; Kochevykh, Maryna; Honchar, OlhaEnsuring the energy efficiency of translucent glass structures, including windows, balcony doors, storefronts used in buildings and structures, provides for minimal total energy costs not only for heating, but also for the conditioning and lighting of the premises. Modern translucent structures are represented mainly by doubleglazed windows, in the application of which heat losses are reduced due to the improvement of the window design and the use of new materials. Double-glazed windows should allow the maximum amount of light to be transmitted and at the same time minimally affect energy consumption for heating or cooling the room. The use of special-purpose glass allows to obtain a modern double-glazed window with different functional characteristics.Документ Innovative building materials in creation an architectural environment(ХНУБА, 2020-05) Abyzov, Vadim; Pushkarova, Katerina; Kochevykh, Maryna; Honchar, Olha; Bazeliuk, NataliaProgressive building materials and technologies can ensure not only the durability of buildings and structures that are operated in difficult conditions and the consumption of a minimum amount of energy with little impact on the environment, but also will contribute to the creation of an effective and harmonious architectural environment in accordance with the requirements of sustainable development. An important role in solving these problems is assigned to recycled (reusable materials); traditional natural and local building materials that due to technical progress have gained new prospects for use in modern environmental and energy-efficient structures and buildings (“old-new” natural materials); nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, the use of which will not only improve the quality and properties of materials, and, accordingly, the environment, but also create completely new materials and architectural solutions with a set of properties. The purpose of this study is generalization, systematization and examination of these innovative materials and products.Документ Intumescent fireproof coatintgs based on zeolite-like cement matrices(Wiley, 2023-09) Krivenko Pavel; Guzii Sergii; Rudenko Igor; Konstantynovskyi OleksandrConcrete and reinforced concrete building structures (for example, such as tunnels) lose carrying ability in case of high‐temperature fire action. The aim of the research is to study the prevention of reinforced concrete structures (for example, such as tunnels) under fire action in case of using the proposed coating based on the alkaline aluminosilicate binder, which would not consist of organic components dangerous to health. The ratios between constituent oxides in the binder which ensure the ability to bloat the coating under fire action were determined. The performance properties of developed fire protective coating were defined after artificial aging (cycles of alternate drying and cooling) and fire action: bloating factor ‐ 2.0…5.1, adhesion strength ‐ 6.6…8.0 MPa, compressive strength ‐ 2.3…4.5 MPa, cohesive strength of 1.2…1.5 MPa, thermal conductivity coefficient ‐ 0.042…0.066 W/m‐°C, total porosity ‐ 92…97 %. The temperature at which the coating starts to bloat = 200…250 °C has been developed. The results of the test held in the open air suggested drawing a conclusion that with a coating thickness of 6 mm protection of the reinforced concrete from fragile fracture and from plastic deformations in the metal of the reinforcement they provided under fire exposure for a period of 3 hours.Документ INVESTIGATION OF PROPERTIES OF MODIFIED BASALT FIBERS(2018) Gots, Volodymyr; Palchyk, Petr; Berdnyk, OksanaThermophysical, physical-mechanical and acoustic characteristics of a rough continuous basalt fiber under the influence of operating factors and a corrosive environment are studied. It is shown that the production of protective materials with high thermophysical and acoustic properties is possible when creating a porous system with a known texture characteristic of pores of different classes, purposes and connections. An influence of the porous system of rough continuous basalt fiber on the operational properties of flexible heat and sound insulation products and materials is studied. The requirements of normative documents on thermal protection of buildings and structures have caused a constant tendency from the creation of new materials that ensure reliable operation of structures and equipment in the conditions of intensive influence of destructive factors of external influence. This led to an increase in requirements for walling wall materials that are used to fill openings in frame construction, or as an independent structural and thermal insulation material when building buildings with load-bearing walls. They are presented with a set of requirements that combines: physical and mechanical, chemical, hygienic, thermophysical, decorative and finishing, and other properties of the material. In this connection, there is a need to create materials that, having a small average density and high strength, are able to withstand the temperature loads, and the influence of an aggressive environment. It is determined that the performance characteristics of flexible heat and sound insulation materials are directly proportional to the degree of porosity of the composite materials and their structural characteristics. It is shown that the increase in the operating temperature of these materials, sound and thermal resistance is determined by the chemical and mineralogical composition of the initial materials and their structural characteristics. The influence of the mechanism of selective leaching of coarse continuous basalt fibers on their texture characteristics and the operating temperature zone is studied. The resulting material is produced from environmentally friendly raw materials using a one-stage technology without harmful effects on the environment and, unlike thermal insulation materials based on polymers or asbestos, has no harmful effect on the human body, meets the requirements of the European Union for the protection of the environment and sanitary and hygienic standards.Документ Modeling of thermal conductivity of reed products(2020) Tsapko, Yu.; Tsapko, A.; Bondarenkо, O.The present work researches processes of heat transfer by samples of mats manufactured from reed. Due to the unique properties of the reed, such as medium density, low thermal conductivity, relatively high weather resistance, high chemical resistance, possibility to produce parts on-site, cost-effectiveness and others, reed products are widely used in building construction despite the high rate of development of new technologies. The mechanisms of heat insulation in the result of energy transfer through the material are established, which makes it possible to influence this process. It is proven, that the mechanisms are conditioned upon the increased porosity of the material. Thus, decreasing volume weight results in decreasing thermal conductivity, and vice versa. The simulation of the heat transfer process with the flameproof coating is carried out, the dependencies of the thermophysical coefficients on the temperature are determined. Based on the obtained dependencies, the coefficient of thermal conductivity for the products made of dry pine wood is calculated and makes 0.056 W / (m · K). Features of slowing down the process of heat transfer to material made of wood wool and glue binding agent with the formation of pores were studied. This is explained by the fact that there is no movement of air in large pores, accompanied by heat transfer. Thus, there are grounds to argue for the possibility of directed regulation of the processes of the formation of thermal insulation products using the reeds characterized by voids in the stems.Документ Problems of environmental monitoring processes building production(Academic Society of Michal Baludansky, 2019) Osypova, Anastasiia; Savenko, VladimirThe article highlights the problems and scientific substantiation of the creation and functioning of ecological monitoring of construction production processes, which allows to monitor in real time the controlled parameters of environmental elements, capture moments and exceedances of the maximum permissible levels of emissions of pollutants and negative impacts. The basis for the creation and functioning of environmental monitoring is the proposed model of its organizational and functional structure. To ensure the environmental monitoring process during the construction works at the construction site, it is proposed to create an environmental safety facility that operates throughout the life of the facility. The functions of the head of the environmental safety point are given to the responsible contractor (superintendent, head of the site), the responsible executor to the master (superintendent), and the executor to the electronics engineer who is involved in permanent work at the construction site. Expenditures for the maintenance of the point of ecological safety and additional works and measures for the revitalization of construction production processes performed by construction workers engaged in the execution of construction works are reimbursed at the expense of general construction costs. The timely receipt of environmental information is ensured by the operation of an automated environmental monitoring system (ASEM), as an information and control system within a hardware and software system in the form of a computer system of required performance and a system of connected sensors, capturing the values of controlled parameters in real time. The magnitudes of the controlled parameters of the environmental elements (air, surface and groundwater, vegetation layer, soil, etc.) are automatically processed with the calculation of average variable values and are issued in the proposed application subroutine. This subroutine is external to the information management system and is intended for statistical analysis of the obtained values of the controlled parameters. With the help of a subroutine, the values of the controlled parameters are statistically processed, verified with the maximum permissible levels, and graphs are created to illustrate the dynamics of the parameter in lime by magnitude and the available moments and the level of exceedances relative to the maximum permissible levels. Operational localization of the negative impact is carried out by performing additional revitalization works and measures, including the use of an existing set of equipment for the immediate and quick removal of dangerous contaminants. Models of organizational and functional structures include the purpose of creation and main purpose function) of the structure, organizational or functional scheme, as well as elements of logistics. В статті висвітлені проблеми та викопані наукові обґрунтування створення та функціонування екологічного моніторингу процесів будівельного виробництва, якій дозволяє в режимі реального часу відстежувати контрольовані параметри елементів довкілля, фіксувати моменти та перевищення відносно гранично-допустимих рівнів викиду забруднюючих речових та негативних впливів. Основою створення та функціювання екологічного моніторингу є запропоновані моделі його організаційної та функціонально) структури. Для забезпечення процесу моніторингу довкілля під час виконання будівельно-монтажних робіт на будівельному майданчику пропонується створення пункту екологічної безпеки, що функціонує на протязі всього терміну будівництва об'єкту. Функції голови пункту екологічної безпеки надаються відповідальному виконавцю робіт (виконробу, начальнику дільниці), відповідального виконавця - майстру (виконробу), а виконавця - інженеру-електроннику, якій залучається до постійної роботи па будівельному майданчику. Витрати на утримання пункту екологічної безпеки та додаткові роботи і заходи з ревіталізації процесів будівельного виробництва, які виконуються будівельними робітниками, що зайняті на виконанні будівельно-монтажних робіт, відшкодовуються за рахунок загальнобудівельних витрат. Своєчасне отримання інформації про стан довкілля забезпечується функціонуванням автоматизованої системи екологічного моніторингу (АСЕМ). як інформаційної-керуючої системи у складі апаратно-програмного комплексу у вигляді комп'ютерної системи потрібної продуктивності та системи під'єднаних датчиків, фіксуючих величини контрольованих параметрів в /клеймі реального часу. Величини контрольованих параметрів елементів довкілля у автоматичному режимі обробляються з розрахунком середньо змінних значень і видаються в запропоновану прикладну підпрограму. Ця підпрограма є зовнішньою до інформаційно-керуючої системи та призначена для статистичного аналізу отриманих величин контрольованих параметрів. За допомогою підпрограми величини контрольованих параметрів статистично обробляються, звіряються з гранично допустимими рівнями та будуються графіки, що ілюструють динаміку параметру у часі за величиною та наявні моменти і рівень перевищень відносна гранично допустимих рівнів. Оперативна локалізація негативного впливу здійснюється шляхом виконання додаткових ревіталізаційних робіт і заходів. Моделі організаційної і функціональної структур включають мету створення та головне призначення (функція) структури, організаційну або функціональну схеми, а також елементи матеріально-технічного забезпечення.Документ Processes of structure formation and neoformation of basalt fiber in an alkaline environment(IOP Publishing, 2020) Berdnyk, O. Yu.; Lastivka, O. V.; Maystrenko, A. A.; Amelina, N. O.Several approaches can be used to determine the effect of an alkaline environment on glass materials (basalt fibers). One of the most common approaches for the determination of the alkali resistance of a substance is to measure the relative mass loss after the interaction of the object of research with the alkaline environment. According to the practice guidelines, the approach involves determining the alkali resistance of a glass by measuring the mass loss per unit area of the glass under test after boiling it in an alkaline solution. But the disadvantage of this approach is it can’t be applied to basalt or another multicomponent fiberglass as it doesn’t introduce different speeds of fiber dissolution.Документ Processes of structure formation and neoformation of basalt fiber in an alkaline environment(IOP, 2020) Berdnyk, O. Yu.; Lastivka, O. V.; Maystrenko, A. A.; Amelina, N. O.Several approaches can be used to determine the effect of an alkaline environment on glass materials (basalt fibers). One of the most common approaches for the determination of the alkali resistance of a substance is to measure the relative mass loss after the interaction of the object of research with the alkaline environment. According to the practice guidelines, the approach involves determining the alkali resistance of a glass by measuring the mass loss per unit area of the glass under test after boiling it in an alkaline solution. But the disadvantage of this approach is it can’t be applied to basalt or another multicomponent fiberglass as it doesn’t introduce different speeds of fiber dissolution.Документ Production of modified basalt fibre for heat-insulating products manufacturing(IOP Publishing, 2019) Gots, V. I.; Berdnyk, O.Y.; Rogozina, N. O.; Maystrenko, А. А.As a result of the research flexible heat-insulating materials were developed based on basalt fiber with increased effectiveness, which can be achieved due to directed fiber microstructure forming through fusion modification. It is known that chemical composition of initial fusion not identically influences on physical and chemical and mechanical properties of basaltic fibres. Structural descriptions of fusion and basaltic fibre got from him appear main factors the nearer, than high speed of cooling. This index mainly depends on such constituents: а) ambient temperatures; b) coefficient of heat conducting; c) heat conducting of fusion; d) areas of surface. By researches influence of temperature of basaltic fusion was shown on the structure of fibres. Structural characteristics of the basalt fiber (number of active zones, coefficient of its distribution on the basalt fiber surface, as well as a correlation of three groups of active zones) depend on rheological properties of basal fusion, speed of drawing through the die plate and cooling speed.Документ Radiation protective properties of fine-grained concretes and their radiation resistance(Харків: ХНУБА, 2020-05) Anopko, Dmitro; Honchar, Olha; Kochevykh, Maryna; Kushnierova, LiliaMany years of world experience in the selection of materials for radiation protection shows that concrete is the main material. It can combine heavy components to protect against gamma radiation and light components to absorb neutron fluxes. This fact, as well as manufacturability, low price and the possibility of using local materials, have determined the widespread use of concrete for protection against radioactive radiation.Документ The influence of technological factors on the properties of basalt fiber when used in the manufacture of flexible heat and sound insulating products(Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference “Technology transfer: fundamental principle and innovative technical solutions”. Tallin, Estonia, 2019) Berdnyk, OksanaAnalysis of energy efficiency and operational safety of technological equipment of industrial enterprises, engineering networks, buildings and structures, building structures in many sectors of the economy, including the housing and industrial sectors, causes interest in the use of high-tech, environmentally friendly heat and sound insulation materials with enhanced performance properties. One of the relevant representatives of these materials is basalt fibers and their use as raw materials in the production of flexible heat and sound insulating products. It is known that the chemical composition of the initial melt equally affects the physicochemical and mechanical properties of basalt fibers. The main influence factors, including the chemical composition, are the thermal past of the melt, the method for producing basalt fiber and the conditions for the formation of its structure. These factors determine the structural characteristics of the fiber and, as a consequence, its physicochemical characteristics. The degree of fiber strength is directly determined by its chemical composition and production method. The greatest strength of the fiber is obtained by ensuring the perfect fiber structure in the absence of ruptures of siliceous chains