Вип. 7
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Документ Approximation of math model of the combined cutting soil`s critical depth with influence of working speed(КНУБА, 2017) Kravets, Sviatoslav; Zoria, RomanThe purpose is approximation of mathematical model of processes of cutting and loosening of the soil for the receipt of analytical dependence of determination of critical depth of loosening taking into account the working speed at the combined tiered destruction of soil. An approximation based on regression analysis used in the processing of data derived from experiments with a number of parallel observations in the experiment. Built graph of the dependency between relative critical depth, working speed of the working body and angle cutting soil. Identify the value of critical depth loosening for five types of soil and full range of working speeds, depending on the physical and mechanical properties of the soil.Документ Determination of limits for acoustical pollution from main roads at the stage of urban area zoning(КНУБА, 2017) Priymachenko, Oleksiy; Shilova, ТetianaAt the present time, city planning specialists are capable of taking into account various factors relevant to the development and planning of urban areas with consideration for future environmental pressures and their limits. Due to this, it will be possible to save financial costs when carrying out actions required for decreasing the technogenic impact on the ecology and living environment, and planning the perspectives of regional development. For this reason, the analysis of environmental pressures from the city main roads network is relevant for any city. This paper contains the calculated data on the results of analysis of the city main roads characterized by different planning concepts. These data are required for determining the corresponding planning actions.Документ Fractality of concentric structures in space of ecologic-urban planning systems(КНУБА, 2017) Ustinova, IrynaConditions and stages of formation of the fractally embedded set of concentric zones of accessibility of cities on the example of Kiev are considered. The number of “levels of embedding” of such a set depends on the attractiveness and status of the city. It was established that discontinuity of space developing is associated with economic develop ment and engineering and transport networks. A rapid growth of these networks leads to the transformation of the traditionally central type of irregularity of developing the space into the multinuclear clustered systems of settlement. In the zone of Kiev influence, there are five qualitatively differed by intensity of socioeconomic links and speed of movement belts are distinguished. On the base of quantitative characteristics of these belts, it was established that in successive transition of developmental processes from local to regional and interregional levels of integrity of the ecologic-urban planning system − “population↔environment”, the expansion of its spatial boundaries and peculiar “compression” of temporary ones occur that is manifested by intermittent increase in the radius of city’s influence area – the center of system of settlement expressed in kilometers. For analysis of processes of multi-level development of ecologic-urban planning systems, the dynamics of indices of development is not as much important as characteristics of their accelerations.Документ Geoportal as a means to popularize geological heritage of Ukraine(КНУБА, 2017) Zatserkovnyi, Vitalii; Oberemok, Nataliia; Berezina, PolinaThe article discusses issues of using geological natural monuments (GNM) for scientific and educational purposes. It is a part of a general problem of preservation and use of geological heritage of the Earth, which has become internationally important lately. Local and international practice shows the need for thematic geotours that heavily rely on geological natural monuments.Документ Influence of historical events on construction of temples in Kyiv till 1917(КНУБА, 2017) Bachynska, OlgaKyiv is ancient city with a unique history. A huge role in its development the temples have played [19]. Down to ХХ of century they influenced formation of city structure, appearance of building, general impression from urban environment and life of the population. In ХХ century the most part of temples was destroyed, the ancient town planning structure is destroyed too [3]. But the historical past continues to influence life of modern Kyiv today.Документ Mathematical approaches to the optimization of the functional and planning location of primary collection points of waste management collection according to city planning criteria(2017) Zolotar, LiudmylaThe main city planning criteria of residential area sanitation organization aimed at optimizing the location of primary collection points of waste management in residential areas are examined. The trends in the development of residential areas waste collection systems and disposal to provide comfortable living environment for the population and to satisfy their household requirements are confined to the following trends: progressive- ness of household waste collection automation, aesthetic, sanitary-and-hygienic, engineering solutions of equipping the primary waste collection points to ensure the technological and organization-and-technological methods for waste collection.Документ Study on working peculiarities of glue laminated beams under conditions of slanting bending(КНУБА, 2017) Gomon, Svyatoslav; Pavluk, AndriyThe main issues are as follows, the description of research methodology and experimental prototypes, analysis and processing of the research results, working peculiarities of the material as part of the glue laminated wooden beams under the conditions of slanting bending.Документ The reasons for architectural monuments destruction and methods of capacity reinforce for bases and fundaments(КНУБА, 2017) Orlenko, MykolaThe main problem of monuments’ emergency state is poor condition of the bases and foundations often due to their moisture. Uneven foundations subsidence leads to redistribution of efforts in bearing constructions and static instability of the base-foundation-building system. That’s why any restoration starts with the removal of their emergency state. Using the example of Mykola Pritisk’s Church on Podil, where groundwater underflooding caused the collapse in the south-eastern part of the building, describes how the restoration works on the monument, which began with the reinforcement of damaged foundations and framework for static recovery of base-foundation-building system, measures to protect foundations and basements from underflooding, ensuring reliable vertical and horizontal waterproofing for the basement walls and floors, and all the underground part of the church, and works for antiseptic treatment of bio-damaged and saline walls and plaster surfaces. After that, the organization of reliable geodetic control for the structure deformation was ensured.Документ Ways of considering traditions when forming the system of maintenance in Ukraine(КНУБА, 2017) Petrunia, OlgaThe size of the territory, the density of the city dwellers, the number of cars for personal use, planning conditions and network configuration of highways and roads are the main components that influence the placement features of maintenance of motor vehicles in cities of Ukraine. The article develops the structure of the distribution of cities under types, factors, kinds of functions performed in relation to the economic level and importance of the city as a part of the country; analyzes the impact criteria on the formation of the traditional system of management and living of the people of Ukraine; reveals the traditional ap- proaches to the formation of maintenance in Ukraine.Документ Модернізація екскаватора двосекційною поворотною стрілою(КНУБА, 2017) Сукач, МихайлоРозроблено екскаватор для відкопування протяжних підземних об’єктів з модернізованим робочим обладнанням у вигляді двосекційної поворотної стріли. Першу секцію змонтовано на платформі екскаватора з можливістю повороту у вертикальній площині, а другу − шарнірно прикріплено до першої секції з можливістю повороту в горизонтальній площині відносно вісі пересування машини. Механізм повороту стріли виконано у вигляді шестигранної системи шарнірно з’єднаних важелів, що представляє собою розташовані по обидві сторони секцій шарнірно з’єднані між собою активні й пасивні двоплечі важелі. Функціональні можливості екскаватора розширюються шляхом зміщення вісі копання на певну відстань за межі ходової частини, що дозволяє відкопувати траншею паралельно вісі його пересуванню в стислих умовах міської забудови. Модернізоване обладнання дає можливість підвищити безпеку експлуатації машини при пересуванні на бермі протяжних підземних об’єктів та у нестійких ґрунтових умовах.Документ Формоутворення каркасів технічних форм, заданих на площині неявними функціями(КНУБА, 2017) Скочко, ВолодимирВ роботі розглянуто ефективність двох способів побудови дискретних образів функцій, заданих на площині в неявній формі. Перший - передбачає комбіноване використання методу скінченних різниць та формул для знаходження похідних неявних функцій диференціальної геометрії. Другий спосіб передбачає реалізацію процесу формоутворення дискретного аналога моделі фізичної сітчастої конструкції з подальшим управлінням формою цієї моделі для переміщення її вузлів в точки, що задовольняють заданій неявної функції. Наведено приклади використання обох підходів з порівнянням точності інцидентності координат отриманих дискретних моделей графіку досліджуваної неявної функції. Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки запропонованих підходів.