Перегляд Автор "Michaud, A."
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Документ Arcyria denudata(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. Bright red or reddish brown, upright sporangia, each with a funnel-shaped calyculus with a non-dehiscent capillitium firmly attached to calyculus even after expansion. Brown weathered sporocarps may be confused with A. affinis Rostaf., but in that species the stalk is slightly eccentric, and the capillitium detaches from the calyculus after expanding.Документ Arcyria minuta(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. Flat-topped, pink sporangia, each with a fixed capillitium, and capillitium thread marking more or less limited to cogs. Poorly developed sporocarps, or those with a non-expanded capillitium resemble A. cinerea (Bull.) Pers., but in A. cinerea sporangium colour is grey, and capillitium markings are densely spinulose. Sporangium colour in A. minuta is similar to that of A. pomiphomis (Leers) Rostaf., but A. minuta has larger sporocarps and cylindrical rather than subglobose sporangia.Документ Arcyria stipata(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. The almost pseudoaethalial habit, persistent peridium and copper colour make this species distinctive.Документ Calomyxa metallica(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. The pinkish olive spore mass, iridescent peridium and coiled, simple threads sculptured with abundant, faint warts or spinules make this an easy species to identify. The superficially similar Prototricha metallica (Berk.) Massee has capillitial threads marked with spiral bands.Документ Diacheopsis metallica(CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. The genus Diacheopsis is distinguished by small, sessile sporocarps with a shiny metallic surface. Within the genus, D. metallica is distinguished by its nivicolous habit and by spore size.Документ Diderma alpinum(CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. The genus Diderma can usually be distinguished in the field by the matt calcareous or egg-shell-like character of the peridium. The nivicolous members of this genus are easily confused, but Diderma alpinum can sometimes be distinguished by the combination of an obvious and continuous hypothallus uniting all sporocarps, a smooth peridium, a light-coloured delicate capillitium with dark spindle-shaped bodies, and spores 11–13 µm diam.Документ Hemitrichia clavata(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. Hemitrichia clavata is sometimes difficult to distinguish from H. calyculata (Speg.) M.L. Farr, which is much more common. The deep cup which gradually widens from the stout stalk, the rough capillitium, white plasmodium and warty, rather than spiny, reticulation of spores separate H. clavata from H. calyculata. Very generally, H. clavata tends to occur in mountainous or cold-temperate regions during autumn and winter, whereas H. calyculata may occur more in warm-temperate or tropical climates over summer and autumn.Документ Lamproderma echinosporum(CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. Nivicolous species of Lamproderma have dark, often blackish, metallic, iridescent, shiny, separate, globose or nearly globose and stipitate to sessile sporocarps. Sporocarps of Lamproderma echinosporum are sessile or substipitate and on a narrow base. It may be distinguished from other similar nivicolous species of Lamproderma by its spore ornamentation, with large irregularly distributed spines.Документ Lamproderma ovoideum(CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. Nivicolous species of Lamproderma have dark, often blackish, metallic, iridescent, shiny, separate, globose or nearly globose and stipitate to sessile sporocarps. Lamproderma ovoideum, perhaps the most common nivicolous member of this genus, has ovoid sporocarps and may be distinguished by spore size and ornamentation from other nivicolous species of Lamproderma with similar sporocarps.Документ Lepidoderma carestianum(СABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. A nivicolous species with a flattish continuous plasmodiocarp covered with tiny lime scales.Документ Lepidoderma chailletii(CABI, 2010) Krivomaz, T. I.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. The clearly defined lime scales on the sporocarp surface are characteristic of the genus Lepidoderma. This species, which is facultatively nivicolous, produces sessile sporocarps often so closely clustered as to have the appearance of plasmodiocarps, the clusters sometimes forming convoluted or almost serpentine structures on the substratum surface.Документ Metatrichia vesparium(CABI, 2012) Krivomaz, Т. І.; Michaud, A.; Minter, D. W.Diagnostic features. The clustered sporangia with a distinctive shape and papery texture resembling miniature wasp nests, the shining purple-red sporangia, and the red spore mass all make this an easy species to identify. When stalks are joined this species can look like M. floriformis (Schwein.) Nann.-Bremek., but the spore mass colour is usually sufficient to separate them and, if there is any doubt, the spiny capillitium of M. vesparium is diagnostic.Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Arcyria cinerea(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Very variable in form and colour, but never red or pink; on dead wood, often in large groups; microscopically easily distinguished from other Arcyria species by its capillitium which is smooth proximally (near the cup) but spinulose distally; similar to A. pomiformis (Leers) Rostaf. which differs in having a cup inner surface ornamented with warts or a raised network whereas that of A. cinerea is smooth.Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Diderma fallax(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Sporangia pale and usually sessile; easy to distinguish in field from other nivicolous species of Diderma, because polygonal scales on the peridium (which can be very dark brown when calcium is lacking) make sporocarps resemble golf balls; microscopically, D. fallax has unusually large, dark and markedly spiny spores.Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Diderma meyerae(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Sporangia pale and usually sessile; distinguished from other nivicolous Diderma species by the non-reticulate capillitium, the double-layered peridium with an iridescent inner layer, and warted spores.Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Diderma niveum(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Sporangia pale and usually sessile, sometimes forming short plasmodiocarps; distinguished from other nivicolous Diderma species by the non-reticulate capillitium, the double-layered peridium with an inner layer powdered with lime, and spinulose spores.Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Fuligo septica(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Large conspicuous irregular yellow or white plasmodia and aethalia; spores <10 µm diam.; cortex rough, not persistent; Mucilago crustaea P. Micheli ex F.H. Wigg., a common lookalike species found in similar habitats, is sometimes misidentified as F. septica, but its thickened cortex has crystalline, not granular, calcium carbonate.Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Hemitrichia serpula(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Very conspicuous; habit usually entirely plasmodiocarpous and sessile; sporocarps unmistakable, looking like miniature versions of the Indian sweet jalebi, or pretzels; spore ornamentation a raised episporic network appearing to give the spore a border in optical section (compound microscope magnifications > ×400).Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Lamproderma arcyrioides(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Sporocarps stalked, brightly coloured, iridescent, globose or subglobose sporangia; peridium not mottled with brown spots, but with needle-like crystals; capillitium turning white on periphery of net; spores warted, 9–13 µm diam., distinguish from similar L. sauteri Rostaf., which has larger spores (12–16 µm diam.), and from L. scintillans (Berk. & Brome) Morgan, which is smaller, grows on dead leaves, and has a longer stalk and capillitium colourless near the columella.Документ Myxomycete with the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Lamproderma ovoideoechinulatum(CABI, 2019) Kryvomaz, Т. І.; Minter, D. W.; Michaud, A.Diagnostic features. Nivicolous; sporangia stalked, pear-shaped; peridium not mottled with brown spots; capillitium extending entire length of columella; spores dark brown, echinulate; similar to L. ovoideum Meyl., but spores are echinulate with long spines.
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