Перегляд Автор "Simon Paulitsch"
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Документ Impact of cool roofing membranes on the hygrothermal performance of low-sloped roof structures in timber construction(КНУБА, 2015) Christoph Buxbaum; Simon PaulitschThis paper will present an analysis regarding the hygrothermal performance and furthermore durability of non-ventilated light-weight flat roofs with cool roofing membranes in the Central European climate. The main focus is the assessment of the drying potential of selected roof variants to predict the potential risks of mold and especially wood decay funghi growth inside the constructions. Several numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the influence of different roofing membranes and especially cool roofing products on the overall hygrothermal conditions inside the constructions. Additionally to that, roof assemblies with cool roofing membranes were investigated at the Austrian BSRTU Building Science - Research & Test Unit outdoor test facility (www.building-science.at) of the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS). In situ measurement results, taken at this experimental set-up will be discussed. Стаття присвячена аналізу гідротермальних характеристик плоских покрівель. Розглянута довговічність не вентильованих легких плоских покрівель з використанням покрівельних мембран для центральноевропейського клімату.