Архітектура та містобудування

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Зараз показуємо 1 - 8 з 8
  • Документ
    Functional Organization of extraterrestrial underground base on Mars
    (International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2020) Praslova, V.; Riabets, Y.; Shchurova, V.; Zinovieva, O.; Harbar, M.
    In the article relevant problems of colonization of other planets by mankind and development of extraterrestrial settlements are examined, in particular colonization of Mars and creation of Martian multifunctional base. Modern projects of leading space agencies for research and Mars colonization, shipping of equipment and the first settlers to the planet, and also projects of the first Martian habitats within the modern space technologies are discussed. In response to that natural and climatic conditions of the planet Mars which could substantially influence the formation and development of extraterrestrial multifunctional base are analyzed. Main natural and climatic factors such as high radiation background, absence of atmosphere, extreme temperature profile, low gravity, that have significant influence on formation of the Martian settlement on functional architectural and organizational levels are determined in the study. Functional model for establishment of an autonomic multifunctional base in extraterrestrial environment under the surface of the planet is proposed like the most fully satisfying the requirements for organization of extraterrestrial artificial environment for human's long-term stay considering extreme climate conditions of planet Mars and the desire to create comfortable conditions for livelihood of Martian pioneers. Basic blocks are determined and zones being parts of these blocks, which form the basis of the functional organization of extraterrestrial multifunctional complexes are detected. Possible options for functional connections between blocks and zones are analyzed.
  • Документ
    Techniques for implementing form and color in the artistic design of architectural and urban environment
    (ОДАБА, 2020) Praslova, Valentyna
    The results of scant attention to questions of artistic cultural decay and esthetic expressiveness are critical condition and often lack of artistic emotional and figurative perception of urban architectural environment and most of public and housing objects in Ukraine. One of the ways of dealing with this problem is implementation of specified means and techniques of artistic design. Many scientists research color and form impact on the urban architectural environment, however the attention is paid to the solution of general theoretical questions often ignoring artistic factor. That's why it is important to systematize information about means of formation of emotional and figurative perception of urban architectural environment accounting artistic factor and determine artistic techniques for form and color implementation to urban architectural environment. The aim and tasks of work are to systematize information about means for emotional and figurative perception of urban architectural environment using artistic factor, determine techniques for implementing main tools of artistic design to architectural and urban environment. Therefore, analysis and systematization of scientific research results, literary and informational sources revealed that such tools as form and color have the most significant influence on the formation of emotional and figurative perception of urban architectural environment within artistic design. As the result of the comparative analysis of existing knowledge six artistic techniques of implementing form and color to architectural and urban environment are presented. Among them are technique of polar contrast utilization, technique of highlighting, technique of rhythm, technique of dynamism or transparency, technique of expressiveness and technique of form and color subjectivity. Above mentioned techniques for implementing form and color to architectural and urban environment are basic for the development of the author's own language of self-realization by architect-artist. Using these techniques both together and separately, their successful combination can create an architectural and urban environment with a unique atmosphere, which is in development and changes constantly, dictates its own rules of perception, elicit an individual emotional response from every visitor.
  • Документ
    Інсталяція в художньому проектуванні міського середовища
    (2016) Праслова, Валентина Олександрівна
    Розглядаються інсталяції як метод впровадження в містобудівне середовище художніх творів, що випадають з контексту. Художні інсталяції – це простір, в якому художники, дизайнери та архітектори мають змогу впливати на відвідувача, занурюючи його в процес співучасті в більшій чи меньшій мірі.
  • Документ
    Хепенінг в художньому проектуванні міського середовища
    (Diamond trading tour (Zbiór artykułów naukowych), 2017) Праслова, Валентина Олександрівна
    В художньому проектуванні поширюється процес залучення глядачів та мешканців в певні ситуації, що безперечно змінює міське середовище. Мова йде про хепінінг від англійського дієслова to happen – відбуватися. Хепенінг – театралізована імпровізація із різним ступенем занурення глядачів в процес та створенням несподіваних ситуацій
  • Документ
    Dynamics of Architectural and Urban Planning Hospital Systems Evolution
    (Horizon Research Publishing, 2020-07-19) Bulakh, Irina; Chala, Olena; Divak, Viktor
    The article is written as part of a study of the urban planning foundations of the health system spatial development, one of the components of which are hospitals. The article is aimed to study dynamics of architectural and urban planning hospital systems evolution. The study is performed using systemic and integrated analysis. This article focuses on challenging the issue of historical evolution analysis and further transformation ways of hospital systems in the aspect of architectural and urban planning design. The basic assumptions have been determined and the historical periods of the formation of hospital organizations have been identified. Dynamic regularities are established, the specificity is described and trends of the typological transformation of hospital systems in various regional contexts of the world`s major countries are indicated. The study was carried out taking into account the conformity to the laws of history and features of the architectural and urban planning evolution of hospital systems, as well as the evolution peculiarities of hospitals as a complex urban planning subsystem within the multilevel system of the urban environment, were discussed. Hospitals gradually changed, transformed under the influence of various external and internal factors, public demands, needs and expectations from healthcare. Reforming the hospital system is an extremely actual, complex and difficult process for any country. Hospital design trends: the enlargement of medical buildings, the formation of complexes; emphasis on the intensity of treatment, the use of day hospitals; individualization of design decisions, rejection of stereotypical hospital forms; the formation of an aesthetic space with healing potential; ecological approach and harmony with the environment.
  • Документ
    Регіональні особливості сталого розвитку малих міст (на прикладі м. Тульчин)
    (Бескиди, 2019-11-22) Зінов'єва, Олена Сергіївна
    Неконтрольований розвиток територій, все більш зростаюче виробництво і споживання ресурсів, збільшення населення, все це стало головною загрозою людства як виду.
  • Документ
    Художнє проектування та паркове мистецтво
    (ХДАДМ, 2012) Праслова, Валентина Олександрівна
    Розглядаються приклади формування арт-просторів, декоративного оформлення природних ландшафтів, художніх творів із рослин. Викладений матеріал стане у нагоді в процесі навчання художньому проектуванню паркового мистецтва. The artistic design and park art. The examples of art spaces formation, nature landscapes decoration and artworks with plants are considered. The stated material fosters the artistic design study of park art. Key words: artistic design, park art, decoration, art spaces, artworks with plants.
  • Документ
    Sustainable development and harmonization of the architectural environment of cities
    (E3S Web of Conferences 166, 09001 (2020), 2020-04-22) Shebek, Nadiia; Timokhin, Viktor; Tretiak, Yuliia; Kolmakov, Ievgenii; Olkhovets, Oleksandr
    The article emphasized the necessity of preserving spiritual values in the process of sustainable development of cities and urban communities. The article considered harmonization of the architectural environment as the ultimate goal and the defining condition for sustainable development of settlements. Basing on the principles of urban synergetics proposed to use internal reserves as well as the selforganization potential of the population and urban planning effectively redistributes resources and reserves. The article deals with the main provisions of the architectural environment harmonization theory with the consideration of different ideas of harmony, the importance of achieving correspondence between a person’s world-view and his surroundings, the expediency of taking into account interpersonal interactions between members of society. The strategic directions of penitentiary environment improvement at all organizational levels outlined. It proposed to form multi-level public spaces for recreation and communication of residents in the centers of historical cities where there is not enough free space. The ways to use recycled materials products for the buildings and structures construction, urban areas improvement, equipment manufacturing were been outlined.